Selling my custom made 90gallon 36x24x24 system
External over flow with three 1" drains and two 3/4 returns. (Setup for herbi). Rimless with polished edges all around. The stand is custom made fully laminated. Made with 3 sheets of 3/4 plywood.. Thing would hold a truck on top of it. Sump is a basic design with built in filter sock area. It comes with all the equipment. Tank is fully hard plumbed aswell
36" vertex 260 light fixture(paid $2100)
Vertex Omega 130 (paid $240)
Speed wave 2500 return pump, needs a new power adapter. 10 bucks on eBay. (Paid 250)
And a bunch of odds and ends from heaters to little fish reactor and powerheads.
Well over $3500 worth of stuff.
will take $1500 for everything. If no bites will then part out
All located in Regina Sask,
Will sell light sepret for $1100, I can ship it COD light comes with both tank brackets and hanging kit, light was activated a few years back but was only used for about 8 months once tank was setup.
Can email me at will reply within two hours.