25 gallon wc done and retested
salinity 1.026
P04- down to .16 from .23 5 days ago so dropping good
Nitrate- 20ish down from 30-35ish
Alk- 8.7
Calcium -430
Mag -1400
Tank looking better from all these Wc all in a week, Started Vinegar dosing added my first 3.2ml today
Using the 100g as a reference to start small its 125g with a 60g sump minus rock so ill see how the 100g level works and go from there
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything