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Old 04-17-2015, 09:26 PM
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Madreefer Madreefer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Prince George
Posts: 2,064
Madreefer is on a distinguished road

Been bugging my LFS to bring me in a pair of blue throat triggers for months now.
Hey Bill your fish are here come pick up.
I arrive at store and of course they're struck with ick.
That'll be $403.20 including tax.
I said that its sad that those 2 fish will live their life and die in that $hitty setup as there isn't anyone that'll pay that price. Beautiful pair and Im sickened over this. I got him down to $300. I'm going be thinking about about this for the next two weeks over bottles upon bottles of cervecas and barrels of tequila. Maybe if the ick has cleared up when I get back I may have a couple of way overpriced fish in my tank.
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