for those that think this would be too much administration - its not. The only explanation in my opinion that can reef should decline such a system is if the suggested i trader platform inst' compatible with the current one, or it costs money.
being paranoid about hurting peoples feelings... well... either that, or I can start calling out names on for sale threads etc. because people deserve the truth about transactions - I don't plan on getting nasty but for example. Buying powerheads from a guy in Calgary who didn't include the much needed power supplies.... took 3 months to ship them..... people get busy.. procrastinate etc.... I would just state the fact. Its going to promote him/her to either A, decide not to ship next time or B be more diligent not to forget parts or C, realize their screw up and send right away and maintain an good status.
screen shots curtosy for (see under left pane sig for "classified rating":
when you click on link, you can see reviews.... you can question if the people leaving reviews are legitimate as well by clicking on their status's as well.