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Old 04-15-2015, 11:56 PM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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Bblinks is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ashr View Post
So I moved over the weekend. Took time to take the tank down.. about 6 hours or so. Bagged all the corals. Live rock with in bins (with wet paper towl) and all the fish were in buckets...

****ty thing is I guess I had more die off on my rocks than I thought. After setting my tank up around 10pm the next morning was a disaster.. the house smelt like death and I knew something had gone wrong.

In all all but two fish lived.. and the tank was milky white.
Due to the murky water I could not see my SPS melting away..
All in all I lost 95% of my tank... some of the nicest, 4 years of growth and some of the best SPS I have seen around. I felt terrible.

Now I must rebuild.. but where to start? Do I start over with SPS or try something new like a predator tank? Any thoughts on where to go from here?

Thanks for listening.. It's been a rough couple days.

OMFG, sorry to hear buddy, I had the same thing happen to me when I transferred everything in the 210 to the 300. It hurts but we can rebuild it, don't lose heart buddy!
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