Originally Posted by jason604
God damn I'm a retard. Ryan UR right I did manage to mess up my hanna test. Just re read the back side of the instruction n it said to get accurate reading I should test vile right away after mixing reagent!! I normally mix reagent and then get side track by other maintenance for my tank n normally test it 30-1hr later. Thought it's normal Cuz it's fine doing that with salifert to a certain point. After testing hanna phosphate carefully it was at 0.15!!! No wonder my acros were rtning. I increased my vodka and vinegar dosing a bit and making rO water now. I should be able to do a 20g change tomorrow. I'm not gonna increase my rowaphos Cuz from experience doing too many things too fast causes much more harm than good.
I'm glad I dragged my sunset milli colony rigt away last night as today the base is all dead and 2 frags died. Happy to still have some left alive.
Back 2 frags is pretty much dead
Is it ok to leave large rtn sps in my tank as it is now pretty much just live rock isn't it? Or should I take it out and bleach first before I can re-add? I think my phosphate skyrocketed because 2 of my Hawaiian feather dusters died and 1 was dead beneath the sand bed and rotted. And also adding 5 new smaller fishes did not help. My 15g water change on sat didn't do much I guess to lower it I guess.
you shouldn't increase carbon dosing just to lower high po4 levels , you'll drive nitrogen levels to low( this cant be tested fwiw) ) before po4 drops anything drastically..... remember carbon dosing is aimed to keep nitrogen levels low the bonus is it removes a small amount of p04(take it as a bonus not a plan of attack) you wont be able to target the carbon dosing to attack po4 without attacking nitrates in larger numbers...this will result in its own issues
if you want to remove or lower phosphates id consider something a bit more manageable/controllable