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Old 04-14-2015, 03:40 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Location: Coquitlam, BC
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gobytron is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally Posted by Bill View Post
So last night I did 20% water change using the usual RO/DI water but with a new 160g pail of Instant Ocean. This morning, everything gone!

Tank is 180gallon, the RO/DI membrane and cartridges are 3 months old. I also did 20% water change in my freshwater tank and all is good. I also mixed the salt prior to use in case of settling.

Tested saltwater shows no chlorine, ammonia, nitrites. Phosphate is 0.5ppm, nitrates are 5ppm. Alk at 3.5 meq/l, calcium at 380ppm. Temperature at 78F, sg at 1.024, ph at 8.3

I got the salt at edmonton big al's boxing day sale December 2014

I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a full spectrum water test done for saltwater? Also considering necropsy for one of the fish.
While it is possible that your one bucket of IO did this, it is very unlikely.
If it was IO (one of the most widely used salts in the aquarium trade) this would be a big deal in the hobby and a quick google search of the net would reveal many more cases.

I would rule out some other kind of contaminant that was somehow introduced to your nsw before outright blaming the salt.
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