^ holy crap that's a huge anemone!
If it wasn't for their tendencies to kill/sting coral, I wouldn't hesitate in the least... it just seems like I'm adding another variable that might go wrong and adding to the risk of losing my frags.
I was looking at Mike's (mikepclo) tank of the month thread a couple days ago, and was surprised to see a bta in there, with all his amazing colonies. looking at some of the tank journals and new build threads, I also noticed a few people opted to get one as well... and then I remembered I've seen them in a lot of reefer's tanks who have amazing mixed reefs. Made me wonder if maybe they're not as much of a hassle as I originally concluded...
Since most of my corals are still frags, I think it's a "now or never" type of situation for me about getting one, haha.