Originally Posted by gregzz4
As far as the Concept tank journal goes, just link your build thread in their's. And maybe send Dave a note about it in case you do it wrong or such.
I don't want to rain on your build parade, but seeing you siliconing the brick stuff to acrylic brings up an issue;
Silicone and acrylic don't stay bonded for very long, especially if there is any stress/weight involved.
Maybe you could come up with a better way to bond them together, or use glass instead.
I did link it before, but the instructions were confusing to me. Dave actually started mine in his thread, for me..lol.
Lol, I am terrible at putting stuff together properly in my journal. I actually sanded and scored the acrylic really deep and then drilled thru the acrylic so that the silicone would go into the holes and onto the back side, giving it something to bond to. I am hoping that will do the trick.
Thank for pointing it out though, if you had not said something, someone might have tried this and did not know to drill or score the acrylic and then a disaster could have happened...