I've really caught the reefing bug.
I've had so much fun putting together my 65 gal tank and stocking it with SPS, that I've decided to put myself through some more punishment and start a second tank... LPS dominated.
I've got a new 20 gallon standard tank which I was planning on using as a Q/T for the 65, but have since decided against. True to my form, this will be another slow build (I can picture Brad rolling his eyes).
No sump, no controller, lots of DIY, little or no attention to detail, cheap equipment and maybe test once every 2 weeks.
Kind of an experiment for me really. I've been so meticulous with the 65 gal that I want to see how far I can push the envelope with reefkeeping... and I hear that LPS enjoy dirtier conditions than SPS.
Some ideas so far:
DIY canopy with 4 x 24w T5's, and a LED strip
Fiji Pink substrate I've had sitting in a tote for 8 years
Lots of live rock
Cheap used ATO
Manual dosing
Reactors for carbon and GFO
HOB skimmer, maybe a Remora?
A few nano wave makers, used and cheap
Water changes will probably come from the 65 gallons old water.
Just writing this up is getting me pretty stoked... maybe this build will go faster than I thought!
Here's the tank set up as a holding tank for my old Texas Cichlid, just before I sold him.