Originally Posted by Myka
That's interesting, I wonder what it looked like when it grew out, or if it was a fail.  On that note, how about an non-photosynthetic tank? You could have one piece of rock like your pic and no sand, so you can pick the rock up to clean around it real well (cleaning is the big challenge with NPS).

That is beautiful. I looked into that specific tank. It's pretty amazing but looks like a ton of work. I don't think I'd be able to feed the tank as much as it would need without overloading the whole system. Or maybe as the whole system is quite a bit bigger it'd be fine.. I'm not sure. I am going to look more into this. Thanks.
Originally Posted by asylumdown
I'd try and track down a peacock mantis shrimp.
That's also something I hadn't thought of. Is 17 gallons big enough for one? They are very cool. I'm going to look into it.
Originally Posted by Dearth
What about an anemone or jellyfish tank
Wow lots of good ideas. This would also be super cool.
Originally Posted by Cameron
If you want to sell the 17 Id be interested.
Sorry, I really like the tank and am not interested in selling it.