Originally Posted by TimT
When corals start growing quickly, especially monti's they can consume a lot of alk.
A few things to check.
Make sure your heater and the magnets on pumps are not encrusting calcium. Also check to make sure any sand is not doing it either.
Check your Magnesium, should be 3x calcium or 1350 to 1450. To low of a magnesium will cause calcium to bind to heaters, magnets, glass etc.
As well Coraline algae will use up a large demand if there is enough of it in the system and is often a major consumer
Most people are shocked by the dry weight they need to add daily with Alk , more often than not people are afraid to add the amounts they should and end up slowly watching it drop and then play catch up slowly to bring it back with a doser
Good luck Adam you'll get it