Thread: RODI speed
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Old 04-03-2015, 12:19 AM
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More info about your unit, 75 gpd membrane? 50? 100? How many stages, sediment filters? Do you have any idea what your source water pressure is?

I get a steady flow out of my 75 gpd system with incoming water pressure of just over 100 psi. More than just a drip. Also do water changes of 20 to 23 gallons. Takes about 5 hours or so to fill my mixing container.

Before you run out & buy booster/permeate pumps, confirm your water pressure. A pressure gauge is a very useful component to have on any RO system (I have 2). Once you've checked the pressure, see if there's a pressure regulating valve somewhere in your house plumbing, should be not too far downstream of your main water shut off valve. Most PRVs are adjustable & you may be able to crank up the pressure. Ensure all your plumbing is in good shape before you get too carried away.
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