Originally Posted by daplatapus
Interesting discussion, I took notes
Kein, in that last set of pics you posted, are all those shot Raw then tweeked?
Yes. Actually *all* of my photos are shot in RAW. I prefer to control the output of my photos so I use Adobe Lightroom to generate JPG, PNG, or TIFF files (depending on my needs). I definitely do tweak the photos prior to outputting them. I have a macro/preset in Lightroom for various applications (Portraits, Landscape, Reef, etc). For photos in my tank my macro/preset typically does the following:
1. Reduce black level (reduces shadows due to harsh halides)
2. Adjust white balance to 15K to balance out the Halides and T5 lights. The camera often has a tough time with white balance when photographing reef tanks.
3. Crop/resize image from 20.2 Mega pixels down to 10 Megapixels (yes, I literally THROW AWAY half the pixels that my camera used to generate the image

4. Output file to JPG.