Hahah the idea of 4 relays for 1 set of lights sounds... intimidating.
The sets will come with 1 relay or controller or whatever you call it.
I found this video and it seems to follow the same idea as the description on the 1 set on how to install.
So if I pull the fuse for DRL I should still get headlights when I turn those on, but nothing will happen when I have the switch to just DRL mode or "Park Lights" (it has 3 options, DRL - which is just the DRL lights, Park lights - which is the yellow markers tail lights and DRLs, and HEadlights - Park lights and Headlight) so If I ran the controller (relay?) like they show in the video but connect it to my headlights that should allow the new LED's to be on in DRL and Park light mode, then go off when I switch to headlights. They should stay off when I turn Highbeams off because somehow (seems to happen to a lot of people who do this...) when I flip highbeams on, my headlights stay on.
I may just take you up on that offer and maybe we can atleast visually brain storm? It's honestly a giant mess of wires under that hood lol with all 3 sets of HID's I think theres a relay for the highs and Headlights installed (don't think we used one for the fogs....)
I will be in town.... end of the month! 22nd or something like that.
I know how to change bulbs and plug stuff in hahaha but I don't know wiring. I cant splice or cut or seal or... yeah id probably electrocute myself.