So, time for an update.
Quite the weekend. Filled my system up on the weekend, it's always an adventure to see your project progress.
Turns out the small system failed...and leaked. My external overflow had a leak and the seems. After some messing around to fix it. I damaged the tank and cracked the bottom panel. So off to the recycling with it.
I took advantage of the situation and had a custom one build with larger dimensions to fill the shelf properly. Looks much better!
Also I wasn't running a filter sock on my overflow and my skimmer pump Sicce Syncra Sk400 sucked in some debris and broke it's impeller shaft.
I can't manage to get the magnet out of the body and don't want to damage it further.
Does anybody know how i would go about this? Getting the magnet out? Needle nose pliers?
Please see attached pick.