Wholee crap Jeff
Sorry to hear about it dude. That was a pretty fish according to other Jeff's pic
I made a booboo in front of the wife last week that I'll never hear the end of ...
We've always had peppermint shrimp in our tank, so our wrasses were cool with them.
When our big pepp disappeared last month I decided to get another, not thinking anything about it (size wise) as we have both a cleaner and a fire shrimp.
Brought home the pepp and an emerald crab.
After acclimation introduced both to the DT after dinner.
Placed the emerald crab on the LR near some algae, and the shrimp
inside my 8" x 8" birdsnest colony.
Duh dun .... duh dun ... (jaws theme song)
Wrasses are curious, wrasses are stalking, shrimp is receding, wrasses are stalking and pecking, crab is enjoying having his back picked at, pepp is nervous, BAM pepp is in my Melanurus mouth, smashed against the rocks and the whole crew had a $10 snack.
The whole thing took less than 20-30 seconds
Hope to see a batfish in one of your tanks soon