I guess I like digging around in my tank more than you do

I take a lot of top down pictures, for that I need access for my camera, shoulders and head above the tank, and I like to be comfortable while doing it. That's why my system has a lot of access over top. Also, I'm short... so for me to reach a coral that may have fallen over and is in the sand in the middle of the tank I still need to use tongs, which I despise.
Just my 2 cents.
Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo
You seem to be quite concerned about ease of accessing the contents of the tank for yourself. But how much do you actually want to have your hands in there? I personally don't like being up to my shoulder in the tank and my fish don't like it much either. In fact I will go into anaphylactic shock if my lion fish gets me. So instead of designing a tank for you to jump inside design it instead for your captives. Experiment with your rocks until you get an aquascape that you want to keep, give your coral room to grow so that you're not in there fragging them a month later, don't place tiny specimens in the sand bed if there is a risk of them getting buried etc. Then add a frag tank to the system so that you still have a space to play in that is easy to work with. Now design the tank that you want to look at instead of swim in. Easy peasy.