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Old 03-24-2015, 05:07 AM
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Skimmin Skimmin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Banff
Posts: 254
Skimmin is on a distinguished road

I'm just in this whole process with my 300gal. Took all fish out. The tank is gonna have no fish for the next three to four months to ensure the ich is dead. I had tanks for years before this one and never had a single fish show signs of ich so I believe it is an as per scenario. It was definetly getting worse in my tank. And noticeably... It sucks but IMO to irradicate this crap from the tank you just have to starve it or take your chances. I will never go without quarantine on a fish or coral again. I don't ever want to tear this tank down again. A painful but needed learning lesson for me.... and dont feel bad I tried the magic elixer route too.... Just a friggin waste of money...
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