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Old 03-24-2015, 03:14 AM
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Default Large (dream?!?)tank brainstorming thread, input appreciated!

Hey all!

If all goes as planned I may have the opportunity to set up another large (dream) tank!

I will need lots of input, ideas, suggestions and all of your experiences to do this.
Ive been in the hobby for quite some time, but haven't had a large system since my 180, but that was kind of just thrown together.

I will definitely want a nice clean set up. Display tank, sump, and associated furniture.

I am not quite sure where the tank will go yet. When I have an idea I will post pics, so you can give your input.

What's the general consensus on a good working size?
I loved my standard 180, 6x2x2.
Though if I can, maybe go 7 or 8' long?
I like the depth of a 300DD but how hard is it to work a 3' tank?
Maybe peninsula style will make access bearable-easy?
Should a 2' height be max? Simply from an access/maintenance stand point?

This will be a mixed reef, sps dominant. And I like fish that get big, I'll definitely have tangs and I'll probably try some Angels like an emperor.
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