so I am beginning to understand there are no shortcuts in this hobby
I decided to go another route to get rid of the ich...
Or at least I thought I would
I went to a LFS (won't say who because I don't want to bad mouth) and they gave me a "reef safe" treatment called HERBTANA
My house smells like a holistic medicine shop...not impressed
Not only that but I read after the fact that this stuff doesn't kill ich it only "prevents" it
Anyway, after I doesed 1 does I realized this isn't going to work and it was a waste of $25
So...I just spend the last 3 hours dismantling my tank and getting this stupid Kole Tang out
He is in the hospital tank...
I have added some of the copper treatment, which I will do for 3 days
Any other suggestions...
I promise to listen to the advise now...
So impatient...