Originally Posted by eli@fijireefrock.com
That trap should be fine as I used same one on couple of my fish and no more than 3 days in and fish out of my tank. 
Why are getting rid of a fish that I have been looking to get for a long time.. 
The peace and tranquility of my tank lol. I have a doliatus rabbitfish – I thought they were different enough to not have an issue with each other, but as they've both gotten bigger, what started as a minor skirmish here and there has turned in to something much more sustained. It's always the tang going after the rabbit.
I like them both equally, but the rabbitfish eats caulerpa and valonia. Both are present in my tank, but currently in check anywhere the rabbit can reach. Since he's doing work that I'd otherwise have to do up on a ladder with my butt hanging out of the cabinet, he wins.
Also, if I can get him out, he's yours. He doesn't have the shock of white on his chin/behind the gills that's typical of PBTs. Where you'd expect white, it's a lighter shade of blue than the rest of his body. Leads me to believe he's either some sort of weird regional variant, or a hybrid, so I'd understand if you don't want him. But he's fat as a house-cat, eats anything I put in the tank, is ich free, and has tons of spunk.
I just set up the trap. I doubt he'll go in to it if I put it on the sand, so I've hung it on the glass using three magnets in the same spot I normally put the nori clip. I'm freaked about the magnets in the trap slamming in to each other when I pull the trap away from the glass, so if he starts going in I'll slowly lower the trap every day until it's on the sand.