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Old 03-16-2015, 07:16 PM
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Default LF: Low light FW Plants - Trade for Coral - South Port Coquitlam

Trying to start up my Betta tank again and all I have is some rugged looking Java fern from my Goldfish tank.

Looking for 1-2 low light plants like a shorter Crypt or Sword plant, something that doesn't need much to maintain and is happy in lower light. Nothing messy like Cabomba or Hornwort. Only have 5gals to play with... so Cheap and easy! Just trying to avoid going to Petsmart And I don't expect it to look pretty.

Can trade a fresh cut Acro Frag
Mushrooms (green hairy or Green Stripe will be freshly peeled off)
GSP (metallic or neon)
Sympodium (fresh peeled off, so only if you have talent sticking down softies)
Not sure what else I have that's fragable right now and worth trading for cheap plants.

Please PM

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