Salifert flatworm exit
As long as you follow the simple instructions you should have no issues I've used it a lot and only once did I lose the pod population as I was called into work just after adding the medicine and couldn't follow up
Salifert flatworm exit is one of the few meds that can be added directly to your display tank that will not harm fish, coral or inverts and most common loss of fish, coral and inverts are the dead flatworms and the toxins that they have the potential to release upon death depending on the size of your tank and how big the flatworm population is will determine what happens in your tank.
Any fish or inverts that eat the dead or dying flatworms will not be harmed by the medicine or in most cases by the toxin the flatworms release just might make them unhappy for a day or 2
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....