Originally Posted by jostafew
I thought the idea of isolating an anemone on an island was genius and pushed me over the edge of wanting one but being concerned about its wanderings to feeling confident about finally doing it. That was until the RBTA that I had in my tank for about a month decided to hop over from one piece of LR to the next, separated by about 3-4" of sand bed. One day it was on the island where I placed it, the next it was on the mainland moving around hahaha. Maybe I needed more space between the rockwork islands, but in my 35gal shallow reef that was about the best I could do. Fortunately my tank had very little coral in it at the time and its wanderings had little to no impact. Now that it's settled I will consider stocking around it but will still give some space.
Man you just never know with anemones eh?? Lol