Well thanks for the heads up. I believe if the fishes immune system is severly comprimised it is possible that they are more likely to succumb to the treatment. Ive been told copper is essentially the chemotherapy of fish medication. It kills the bad stuff but also takes its toll on the good stuff too. Essentially suppressing the immune system further and if the fish are too weak to begin with, may cause fatality. I hope everyone pulls through this. This previous Saturday when I removed my fish from the tank I added metroplex and melafix to my 30gal quarantine rubbermaid. Because Im away from home my girlfriend is going to dose the quarantine tub for me again tonight with metroplex and melafix. Hopefully that will get the removal and healing process going. If they are not too stressed and still alive by Saturday I am going to do a substantial water change and add the Cupramine to the water change water only very slowly and in low levels to hopefully keep the stress down. I'm going to go slow because my display tank isnt going to see fish for at least another 12 to 16 weeks just to be on the safe side. That gives me a lot of time to treat everyone. Unfortunately this is all I can do for now.