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Old 03-08-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Timbits View Post
Hey guys

I wanna get an anemone probably a bubble tip but I am up for suggestions as long as they are clown hosting anemones. The problem that I have which I'm sure many many others have also ran into this problem is that I'm scared the anemone will start walking which it probably will and kill all my corals. My tank is packed with corals all over the sandbed and sps all over the rocks.

Are there any clown hosting anemones that are less likely to move?
Any tips or tricks? Please share your experiences


Tim, if you are worried the anemone will move. Try to purchase an anemone which has already been attached to a piece of rock.

Isolate the rock/nem on the sand bed and the nem will not be able to walk/crawl around because it cannot move on the sand. This has worked for me and My RBTA's stay in the center of my tank and have never moved.

That being said, some people have had their Nems detach and fly into a power head but that's another story. Oh and my gf tried the tape a picture to the tank method it didn't work . We had to put the nem and clowns together in a bucket and once they touched they never stopped hosting again. Good luck bud!
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