03-04-2015, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 76
Need advice on my first refugium & photo updates
Hey All. I am fairly new to the SW world and was hoping I could get some guidance from your guys.
My tank has been running for about 1 year now. It is a super low tech10 gallon nano tank with only a power head and lots of live rocks.
As a side project I was thinking of adding refugium to my set up. I understand for such a small tank doing regular water changes is more than sufficient. However, as most of you guys can likely relate to “I am doing it because I can”, that is the reason why I am doing it.
Before you comment on the use of an overflow box please understand that I am unable to drill my tank and I have already decided to go with the overflow method. So please don’t tell me to go drill my tank.
This is a simple set up. I will be using a 10 gallon tank for the sump. I will be using the Eshopps nano over flow box (100gph) and a mag 250 return pump.
As I have never done any sump related set up before. I was hoping you guys could help with the process. I will likely have lots of questions and I was hoping i could get them answered here. In return i will do lots of photo updates. Any suggestions would be great. Please give me as much advice as you can offer.
A few questions I have
-Is the pump to overflow ratio about right?
-what is the best method to introduce a new sump to the already set up system?
-Should I use filter socks?
-What type of pluming do I need? For the inflow do I need any type valve? Or can it just be an open tube in to chamber 1?
-Where should I put my heater?
Thanks all. I will keep you guys updated with lots of pics
