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Old 03-02-2015, 07:15 PM
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Aquattro Aquattro is offline
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Location: Victoria, BC
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Aquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the rough

I choose to use Fozdown as my tool for PO4 removal, if a tool is required. It's easy, no dedicated filter to run it, and I can stop and start as/if needed.
My goal as the tank progresses is to not need anything, but to help it along, I have a bottle standing by.
As the floc passes through the system, I would assume that the filter sock and skimmer will remove most of it. The rest, even if it does release back, would repeat the cycle (presumably). That said, still hoping not to need anything
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