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Old 03-02-2015, 02:37 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Calgary,AB
Posts: 476
Roskoreef is on a distinguished road

update, ick and some dead fish...... all from the same sure of it... actually now that i think of it every coral i got from this shop also died within a month. I wont say which one, but i will give credit to the shops which i have bought the rest of the tanks inhabitants and corals from (which are all alive and well, even with some ich in the tank now and i suspect possibly flatworm).The fish i got from concept is strong, healthy and eating well, as well as everything from wai's ive had no trouble, all healthy and happy fish and corals.

Now what to do about the situation, obviusly wont be buying anything from that shop, i have ich....maybe flatworm....*&^$. I have been using polyplabs medic for 3 days now, another 7 to go. Its a water conditioner as well as a reef safe ich medicine. You cannot run UV or carbon when medicating so i suspect any of the sick fish perished when i dropped the uv. All others have recovered now but i want to do the 10 days to rid it of ich. has anyone tried this before?
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