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Old 03-01-2015, 10:40 PM
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Tn23 Tn23 is offline
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Hey guys, Thanks for all the messages/calls and text regarding this issue.

Honestly, it's our own fault(tempting reefers to have their own access to our frags). We need to learn not to trust everyone and not give the canreef community the benefit of the doubt. At the frag swap, we had live rock, lots of expensive equipment from members which want to sell/trade , and tons of items laying around which individuals can easily snatch and walk off with.

As the swap grows and more and more people attend, we need to start putting more precautions and rules in place. Next time, if we do have a swap again.... We will definitely ask for more volunteers to help manage and control the crowd / different sections.
That being said.... there's also Karma, and whoever took the items. I am sure good things will happen to your tank

oh and I also forgot to mention there was a Beer Thief going around, I bought another member Seabreeze a beer. We set it down in a safe and secure place totally away from everyone and anywhere someone else we put theirs. Turn around to talk and look back 2 minutes later and it was gone! Like Magic!!
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