Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer
so can reef is worried about liability is what your saying?
I've been on other boards non reef related where names are always used - no legal things come of it, and its of my opinion that especially in the case of bad ethics, I endorse it.
my opinion is obviously different then yours, so yes... it will remain weird to me - because its an opinion. You can back up with what you believe might be the law, and I can back up with what i think is the law (the law is just that...not clearly defined)
just like the dress is blue and black
so for curiosity sake I'm open ears in the message box in knowing not who the thief is.... but who was the person known accidentally taking two bags of corals they didn't pay for 
The point being, neither of us knows the law, the only lawyer I know hates me right now, and in light of that, we, as a board, err on the side of caution.