Originally Posted by Skimmin
So oddest thing. Today spots are gone. I would say he had about 30 spots yesterday. Today. None? I'm not sure if maybe the tang and the cleaner shrimp hooked up last night or what but the spots are gone. Nobody else is showing any signs of issues so I'm gonna keep an eye on things and go from there. Everybody eats great and looks really healthy. Talk about ups and downs in a 24hr period...
thats how the parasite works , being visible is only one stage of what the parasite does.
fwiw if its just a few spots then im with the group and keep him healthy and eating for now unless it becomes severe.
there does come a time though when a fish is gone to far , regardless of the foods or the amounts they wont come back (food is not a cure, the hobby as whole kiows this for a fact) , this i can guarantee . you'll know when this happens and fish usually don't last but a few days at most in this condition.