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Old 02-27-2015, 02:53 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Calgary,AB
Posts: 476
Roskoreef is on a distinguished road

New plans to automate new saltwater top off:

have a float switch at top and bottom of NSW container hooked up to apex breakout box, also a solenoid plugged into apex to turn on and off depending on water level. so bottom float switches off, solenoid opens and fills up until top float switch closes, also mechanical float switch on top just in case. All i have to do is add salt once a week. I just have figure out how to attach the float switches to the container of NSW (currently 25g garbage can) without spending money on magnectic probe holders or something. I might just wait and get a 50gal cube with spots built in for floats.... any ideas?

also adding a few easy on/off switches for skimmer, pumps etc.

electrical for solenoid

new corals..


sombrero chalice(what i call it)

coco worm duster

huge awesome lime green carpet anenome and some new clownfish.. they all had a party in the anenome for about 10mins followed by a group battle, they figured out whos who, we'll see if they pair up evenly... had 1 added 5.

new end shot

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