It's a magic trick :P
It's going to be a slow process. I'm doing a bunch of reading/research regarding the muriatic acid baths we talked about.
I have approx 100lbs of rock that have been sitting "dry" for 5+ years. Prior to letting them "dry" I had cooked them.
Ie: Let them sit in a DARK TUB with him High flow and RO Salt Water with several water changes weekly.
RC's thread mention bleaching them ACID, there seems to be various opinion on the order of execution.
Is bleaching necesarry? or should I only do the ACID bath.
Do you think my local hardware store will have this muriatic acid? (home depot).
There's also a mention of using Baking Soda or Draino to neutralize the ACID.
It's cold in Ottawa (as i mentioned yesterday)
I'm hoping to find a warmer day to do this outside without the water freezing.
Any input would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by Bblinks
Finished basement....what's with the door sitting sideways? lol just kidding. looks good bud. 