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Old 02-24-2015, 03:42 AM
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linz8392 linz8392 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Edmonton, AB
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Default Where to buy new sand in Edmonton?

Just need to replace my sandbed in my 75g reef tank. Would like to know where a decent deal can be had in the city.

I would like to make a 3-4" sandbed. Possibly tiny that called sugar sand?

Anyhow...any suggestions on decent places for sand? Or is it the same price anywhere in town?

75 gal reef tank w/ 60 # LR 36 Gallon Sump
aragonite w/ CC
some corals(softies, cabbage, finger leather etc) A tiny Clown, Sheldon the Cleaner shrimp, Lenny the Algae Blenny, Coral Beauty, Royal Gramma and Norman the Yellow Tang, and Neal the yellowheaded jawfish
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