02-24-2015, 03:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: calgary
Posts: 1,758
Coral Swap & Meet (Feb 28 SATURDAY)
As some of you know of the meet and go crazy over beer, food fish and coral swapping in Richmond, BC,..
Official link and info.
 :  :
We are one of few sponsors
there is a load of mixed rocks heading there and hoping to make it in time for the swap.
For everyone else
Canada wide as we feel
specials shouldn't stop and happen in one area only..
For that weekend
starting Friday January 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 1
we will be offering buy all you want rock
for only $3.25 landed to your doors
(minimum $200 purchase for free shipping)
FijiCrete $8/bag
Fozdown $25/ 8oz bottle
gfo $16/LB
We will have a raffle at the end of the day for all those that purchased from
fijireefrock.com for a free 50lbs of rock winners choice shipped for free to your doors.
Last edited by eli@fijireefrock.com; 02-24-2015 at 09:21 PM.