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Old 02-21-2015, 05:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Metrontech View Post
OK, so I have 4 Eheim Jager heaters

150W x 2

All of these are so inaccurate and now I can't maintain the temp in my tank

So now that I am in the market get a better setup for my temp control I could use some help

Do I run 1 in the sump and 1 in the display?

Or 1 in the sump...or 1 alone in the display?

What brand?

Watt size for a 55 display and 30 gal sump?

Tanks again
Heaters are one of the cheapest items in this hobby, chuck the broken ones into the bin! Jager heaters are the best IMO, I'm surprised yours are hooped.

I'd run 2 in the sump, 1 for main, 1 as a back up, each at 200W. You could probably get away with using 150Watts.

It would be even better if you had 'em hooked up to an Apex!
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