Tiring fast. All the moral gibber jab about what's best for fish, supplying the best "habitat" the best tank conditions to make their little lives more bearable in a glass box makes me want to puke. WE ALL are guilty anyone who thinks they are doing a fish a favor by offering the best living conditions possible has a very fogged thinking. Buy a fish, put it in your tank. It will die, all things do. Today tomorrow or in a week what ever. If we didn't want pretty things to look at in glass box of water we wouldn't buy a tank to begin with so people if you want to wear your I offer the best solution for the little fishes of the world badge of honour go ahead I'm sure all the fish at the local fish shop are screaming pick me pick me when you walk buy.
To answer the question I have bought high risk fish and of coarse it died, will I do it again. Nope..not because of any moral dilemma but because I'm cheap.
Fyi my response has nothing to do with the other two posts, take no offence just a rant that has been building for awhile.
This hobby is the equivalent to jailing innocent people. Oh oh. You come with me while I put you in an 8x10. I will offer you the best I can though.