Originally Posted by Myka
That is maddening.
Years ago I worked a (very) short stint at PetSmart in Calgary by the Chinook Mall. At that time there was a 24 or 48 hours guarantee on saltwater fish. A lady came in and picked out a Clownfish - she was fairly evasive with my gentle prodding questions. Then she proceeded to buy a goldfish bowl and NO salt. My questions becames more concerned. She said it was none of my business what she did with the fish and the fish would be fine in freshwater because it's a fish. I refused to sell the fish. The manager told me I had to. The lady came back the next day with the dead Clownfish. SHE GOT A REPLACEMENT FOR FREE! I quit shortly after that.
WOW!! That is unreal , that manager needs a smack upside the head , and the woman ? Well I'll keep my comments to myself lol. So many ignorant people out there.