I'm PO'd right off
I saw something that absolutely made my blood boil and severely ****ed me off this afternoon
I dropped some garbage off at one of the local transfer stations and as I was finishing off this car pulled up and a woman got out and had a full bag of fresh water aquarium fish and before I could stop her she threw them all into the bin and asked her why she did that and she told me to mind my own F'ing business. To make matters worse the fish were still all alive and I called over one of the attendants to see if he could retrieve the bag when he went in it was still surprisingly intact but as he lifted it up it broke spilling all the contents dooming all the fish to a slow death.
I was some ****ed unfortunately I did not get a license number but I reported the vehicle and the woman to authorities and the BCSPCA not sure much will happen but I despise people who do crap like that
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....