Originally Posted by Aquattro
And another 100 for the module. US. So near a grand. I'll just keep the pumps pumping  I'm years away from frags lol
Ok, just note that powerheads (nor external hang on back filters) really don't oxygenate the water much according to the article and my own tests and results. You really need to break the water surface with really violent splashes that would really make a mess or for ease, just use the skimmer/airstone
If there's a place to rent DO meters on the Island (In Burnaby, there's Hoskin Scientific) you could find out what your morning DO is with your pumps dialed down to its minimum and compare to when it is running at its max. Just take your angels and MI out of the system when you are testing for minimum levels and keep them in other oxgenated tanks (sump?). Although keep into consideration that the levels in the display tank would be a bit lower once those demanding fish are put back in.