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Old 02-15-2015, 06:55 PM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
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WarDog will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
It's the guys coming to my house for various reasons, parking their Lexus in my driveway then explaining they don't need to spend money because their friend/neighbour/LFS has what they need.
..and that's why they can have a Lexus. In my limited experience, I've noticed that people who have money are cheap SOB's. Not all, but a good percent. My company does a lot of new homes in British Properties. We're talking $20 million dollar homes with Ferraris in the driveways. Home owners will show up from time to time with a box of Timmies coffee, and actually ask for a loonie per cup. Blows my mind.
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