Originally Posted by Myka
(was that you Brad? Feeling sorry doesn't sound like you).
Yes, me. I have my moments.

I know people that see wonderful and amazing reefs, and get into the hobby to emulate the tanks that inspired them. They just happen to have a minimum wage job, three kids and a dog eating crap kibble. They mean well, and ask the right questions, but the answers usually involve money of some sort. I do genuinely feel bad for these people. They often are mislead by the Internet masses (mostly newbies themselves) into believing you can build a really nice reef on a really tight budget. I suppose it's possible, but not the usual outcome.
FWIW, if going to the LFS helps them, I don't have a problem with that. It's the guys coming to my house for various reasons, parking their Lexus in my driveway then explaining they don't need to spend money because their friend/neighbour/LFS has what they need.