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Old 02-13-2015, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Metrontech View Post
Is there any way way to get rid of the phosphate?

Or just water changes?
Waterchanges are good, I use GFO on a daily basis too.

You're asking alot of good questions. Here's a good article to get you started, gives alot of good starting points for all these parameters. Randy Holmes Farley is a great author. There are many other great articles by him.

I'd like to echo the suggestion of getting better test kits. I've used API for ammonia and nitrate in the past, but the Calcium, Alk, Mag are all horribly inaccurate. Elos and Salifert are both good, Hanna is more money up front but by far the most accurate. Watch the youtube videos on how to use them properly. Also, take your water in to the LFS for testing to verify you're doing it properly.

For PH I haven't found a test kit that's accurate enough to be relevant. I use a PH probe to continuos monitoring. Pinpoint is the most common. I'm using Apex now.
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