Originally Posted by Myka
No Denny, it never means "new salt water". Never. It is improper terminology. Same with "acidic acid". Isn't all acid acidic?? If not, I guess I'm sadly mistaken. I will give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume your understanding is correct, but your spelling is incorrect. I corrected the OP's terminology so he can correctly present his questions in the future (learning is a good thing), then you chime in somehow defending the improper terminology. When someone like you (a frequent poster/LFS employee) starts spouting improper terminology it really degrades the conversation.
Anyway, sorry Proteus I digress now, but hopefully this is clear to you.
well i supposed you MUST be right then lol , so if he posted it and i also posted it , while it was only you who corrected it....i guess were both wrong and i just got lucky on my guess lol
i do like coincidences but at the same time it doesn't take much googling to figure out both terms are used quite often....try it out ....i can post them if you like? there must be thousandsssssssss of references lol of course they are all just incorrect too lol
and funny enough something that is so obvious could not be found in the common dictionary so arnt we really just making things up now?
anyway i dont see your argument ( which is ?), i was simply saying that what he meant was new salt water.............i figured this was common knowledge to most reefers but here we are i guess lol