Originally Posted by canadianbudz604
I do see some hair algae in your pic. So it may be eating up nitrates/phosphates and ur tests will read 0, but it does seem like you have some algae troubles. What kind of water are you using (tap/Rodi)? What r u using to test your salinity?
Yes. It came back and I took a couple of hours today and removed as much as I could. Yes, I'm using RODI. Salinity is at 1.026, I calibrated my refractometer just prior to testing.
Originally Posted by Howie
Do you siphon detritus out of the back? I had a rsm with all upgrades but I would still get a build up below the tunze and below my pumps.
I did this a couple of weeks ago. You're right, it gets rather funky back there!
Originally Posted by FishyFishy!
I would try another nitrate or phosphate test kit. Maybe bring a water sample to your LFS. If you're battling hair algae, yet your tests are reading zero's, I would try different test kits to start.
Have you tested ammonia or nitrite?
Haven't tested nitrite for a few months. Ammonia test was 0.0