Originally Posted by Proteus
Testing nitrates in one of my coral beds I am finding roughly 2ppm Nitrates. I've increased my carbon dose but still no affect on nitrate levels.
In my sump I have a rock bin to which my overflow drains into then into filter socks. Am wondering if this could be the source of no3
Have you confirmed this reading? If I make changes and I don't see the reaction I expect, I double check at the LFS. If there is detritus build up on the rocks or under the rocks that could be your issue, same if you don't change the socks often enough.
Originally Posted by jordsyke
possibly... I find that going below 2ppm nitrates causes issues within my corals tohugh so I decrease carbon dosing to maintain nitrates between 2-5ppm
I agree. I think 2 ppm is perfect. That's what my tank is sitting at right now. I feed the crap out of it to achieve this.