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Old 02-09-2015, 05:55 PM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 665
Treebeard is on a distinguished road

Sorry for the hijack, but have you ever done Kona? We are thinking about this for 2015-2016. The night manta ray dive looks amazing! And there is also lots of good hiking on the Big Island.

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
This is our fav spot, by far.
Been to many of the other islands, and other parts of Maui, but haven't found a better spot than this. Great beach, and great snorkeling right there, don't have to go anywhere else. We were there last this past Nov (about our 5th time at this location). Here is a little vid using a new action cam strapped to my head. Perfect beach, just enough surf for boogie boarding, but not too big to be dangerous. You can get the boogie boards at the hotel (free, just have to be nice how you ask).
And this is what the snorkeling was like.
Lots of turtles there.

Best price is before US Thanksgiving in Nov. After that it basically doubles, and the bigger 1 and 2 bedroom condo units with kitchens are sold out until later in Mar and Apr. Not sure when the price drops again, but probably later in the spring. Expedia will guarantee best price, so that is what we always use.
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