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Old 02-08-2015, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Well you certainly have some fancy LPS (and softies) there... I'm sure they need a lot less light than SPS, so you should be able to really dial down your Radion. There are almost an infinite color spectrum/brightness adjustments available, so for LPS, you can probably just choose what makes for the brightest color pops,... or make them glow... haha.

I've just started getting some semi fancy LPS (trachys, wellso, acon, fungi plates, etc) for the bottom of my tank. They look nice, but will need a lot more to be really noticed. This could be an expensive undertaking for me... Need to sell more SPS frags so I can afford the

I can see why you and Albert are going for the nanos,... lot less bottom to cover.

Like Albert said... we do it for the swag?

Your totally right Walter! there is a lot less space to cover and its more affordable for sure. There's no way I could insta-reef a big tank.
I am now running the Radion at 30%, after playing with it and changing the spectrums things are looking better then ever! Kindof digging the Radions now
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